Case statements with Join on lookup

I have a big table with some columns having lookup values. I want to create a description column for each lookup column and populate them with description from lookup table.

Here is one example

main table

select id1, id2, id3 from idtable;
id1 id2 id3
1 2 3
1 3 4

look up table

select code, id, desc from lookup;
code id desc
id1 1 id1-desc1
id2 2 id2-desc2
id2 3 id2-desc3
id3 3 id3-desc3
id3 4 id3-desc4

I want the result set like:

id1 id1desc id2 id2desc id3 id3desc
1 id1-desc1 2 id2-desc2 3 id3-desc3
1 id1-desc1 3 id2-desc3 4 id3-desc4

What is the best and most efficient way to write the SQL solution for this?